How can you find a trustable Online Pharmacy?

“The (FDA), which regulates prescription drugs in the United States, cannot monitor the safety and efficacy of imported products. Since websites can pop up overnight and disappear as quickly, there is little that can be done if you receive counterfeit drugs or if you are the victim of a scam.” It has become easy for …

Food Has No Religion Did Zomato Do The Right Thing

This week Zomato, the food-delivery startup backed by China’s Ant Financial, landed smack in the middle of a religious debate, and took a very public stance. On Wednesday, a customer tweeted that he had canceled a delivery order with Zomato because the delivery agent was Muslim, and the company refused to replace him and also …

Watchman cardiology device is costly and aggressively marketed. How many patients really need it?

“The Watchman device is a good example of the double-edged sword that is modern medicine. It is a medical implant placed by cardiologists into the heart via a small catheter. Because up to 90 percent of the blood clots that cause stroke come from a part of the heart called the left atrial appendage, this …

What You Should Know About Xarelto?

Xarelto is a physician endorsed medication used to decrease the danger of stroke and blood clusters in individuals who have an ailment considered atrial fibrillation that isn’t brought about by a heart valve issue. With atrial fibrillation, some portion of the heart does not pulsate the manner in which it should. This can prompt the …

Motilium (Domperidone) for Stomach Pain: When and How to Take It

“Motilium is a medicine that is taken orally only by prescription, to counteract the problems and disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, whether due to flu or (in children), exanthematous diseases, or even as a primary problem. Also in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux the Motilium assumption has proved effective in inhibiting acid food regurgitations, a …

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